Sunday, January 14, 2018

Intention And Prayer Praying Tahajud

Intention And Prayer Praying Tahajud

Intention of Praying Tahajud

Intention And Prayer Praying Tahajud

"Ushalliisunnatattahajjudi rak'ataini lillaahita'aalaa"
Meaning:"I intention to pray sunnah tahajud 2 raka'at, because Allah ta'ala". 

Prayer after tahajud

Intention And Prayer Praying Tahajud

"Allahahumma lakal hamdu angta qayyimus samaawaati wal ardhi wamangfiihinna walakal hamdu angta malikussamaawaati wal ardhi wamangfiihinna, walakal hamdu angta nuurus samaawaati wal ardhi wamang fiihinna, walakalhamdu angta haqqu, wa wadukal haqqu, waliqaa uka haqqun, wa qauluka haqqun, waljannatu  haqqun, wannaaru haqqun, wannabiyyuuna haqqun, wa muhammadun shallallaahu alaihi wasallama haqqun, wassaa'atu haqqun, Allaahumma laka asalamtu, wabika aamangtu, wa alaika tawakkaltu, wa alaika anabtu, wabika khaashamtu, wa ilaika haakamtu, faghfirlii maaqaddamtu, wamaa akh khartu, wamaa asrartu, wamaa a'langtu, wamaa angta  a'lamu bihi minnii, angtal muqaddimu, wa angtal mu'akh khiru, laa ilaaha illaa angta, walaa haula walaa quwwata illaabillaah."
"O God, thine possessions are praises, thou art the enforcers and administrators of the heavens and the earth and the creatures that are therein, thy praises, thou art the ruler of the king of heaven and earth, and the creatures that are therein, thine praises, thou art the light of heaven and earth, and the creatures that are in it, thy praise belongs, thou rightest righteous janjimulah the right, the meeting with you is true, your words true, heaven is true, hell is true, the prophets are true, the prophet muhammad saw is true, and the doomsday is true there , O God only you alone I surrender, only unto thee I believe, only unto Him I put my trust, only unto thee I return, only with my face my enemy, and only to me punish, therefore forgive all my sins, which I have done and which I may do, which I keep secret and what I do openly, and the sins of other sins that you know more, than pad a me, you are the former and you are the last, there is no god but you, and there is no effort and power except with the help of Allah."
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