Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Prayer Reading Iftitah

Prayer Reading Iftitah

Prayer Reading Iftitah 1

Prayer Reading Iftitah

"Allahu akbar kabiiroo wal-hamdu lillaahi katsiiro wa subhaanallaahibukrotaw wa ashiilaa. Innii wajjahtu wajhiya lil-ladzii fathoros-samaawaati wal ardho haniifam muslilaw wamaa ana minal-musyrikiin. Innaa sholaatii wanusukii wamahyaaya wamamaatii lillaahirabbil-aalamiin. laa syariikalahu wa bidzaalika umirtu wa ana minal-muslimiin."
Meaning : "Allah is great and perfect, all praise is only to Allah, the praise of the many, and the most holy of Allah in the morning and evening, I face my face (my heart) to the god who created the heavens and the earth in a state of righteousness and surrender, not of the idolaters, my prayer, my worship, my life and my death is only for Allah, the god of the universe, there is no partner for him and by that I am commanded not to associate him, and I am a class of Muslims.

Prayer Reading Iftitah 2

Prayer Reading Iftitah

"Allaahumma baa'id bainii wabaina khathaayaaya kamaa baa'adta bainal-masyriqi wa maghrib. Allaahumma naqinii min khataayaaya kamaa yunaqats tsaubul-abyadhu minad-danas. Allaahumaghsilnii min khathaayaaya bil-maa'i wats-tsalji wal-barad."
Meaning : "Ya Allah, keep away from the mistakes and sins as you have distanced between the east and the west, Ya Allah, cleanse me of all the faults and sins as to what is clean the white cloth from the filth, Ya Allah, purify my faults with water, snow and the dew is as clean as it is. "
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